
The Emerging Health Benefits of Nicotinamide Riboside (NR)

17 Apr 2024·6 min read
The Emerging Health Benefits of Nicotinamide Riboside (NR)

Feeling tired and worn out can really slow us down. Nicotinamide Riboside, or NR, is a special type of vitamin B3 that's stirring up excitement for its health benefits. Our blog will explore how this nutrient could help you feel more energetic and youthful.

Dive in to unlock the secrets of NR!

Key Takeaways

  • NR is a form of vitamin B3 that helps make NAD++, which is needed for energy and cell health.
  • This nutrient might keep our brains and muscles strong, protect our hearts, and lower swelling in the body.
  • NR can be made in labs through chemical reactions or with enzymes, which makes it possible to create pure supplements.
  • Scientists are looking at how NR could help treat brain problems, slow aging, reduce inflammation, and even fight COVID-19.
  • Taking NR supplements improves NAD+ levels safely and can be more effective than other types of vitamin B3.

Understanding Nicotinamide Riboside (NR) and NAD+ Biosynthesis

Nicotinamide Riboside (NR) is a precursor to NAD+ and plays a key role in cellular metabolism. It can be synthesized chemically or enzymatically, contributing to various health benefits.

Synthesis of NR

Nicotinamide Riboside, or NR, is a form of vitamin B3. It helps our bodies make more NAD+, which is important for energy and cell health.

  • NR comes from tryptophan or niacin through a few steps in our cells.
  • Enzymes change NR into NAD+ that our cells can use.
  • Eating foods with NR boosts NAD+ levels and supports healthy aging.
  • Taking NR supplements increases the amount of NAD+ in the body.
  • To make NR in a lab, scientists start with nicotinic acid.
  • Chemical reactions add special groups to nicotinic acid to get NR.
  • Then they purify it so people can take it as a supplement.

Chemical and enzymatic synthesis

Nicotinamide riboside (NR) can be synthesized chemically and enzymatically, with the former being more common. Both methods involve using specific compounds to create NR.

  1. Chemical synthesis of NR involves combining specific chemical compounds in a controlled environment to produce high-quality NR for various applications.
  2. Enzymatic synthesis uses specific enzymes in a controlled reaction to convert precursor compounds into NR, ensuring high purity and yield.
  3. These methods of synthesis ensure the production of pure and effective NR, offering potential health benefits for various conditions without impurities or side effects.
  4. The different synthesis methods provide options for producing NR that can be utilized in research, pharmaceuticals, and supplements for its numerous health benefits.
  5. Chemical and enzymatic synthesis allows for the controlled production of NR at scale, making it more accessible and versatile for potential applications in improving health and wellness.

Key Health Benefits of NR

NR has been found to have anti-inflammatory effects, anti-aging properties, neuroprotective effects, and even potential for treating COVID-19.

Anti-inflammatory effects

Nicotinamide riboside (NR) demonstrates potent anti-inflammatory effects by modulating the activity of key enzymes and pathways involved in inflammation. Research has shown that NR can reduce the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) and interleukin-6 (IL-6), while simultaneously enhancing the expression of anti-inflammatory mediators like IL-10.

These findings suggest that NR may hold promise for managing inflammatory conditions, potentially offering a natural approach to mitigating chronic inflammation and its associated health risks.

Furthermore, NR's ability to inhibit nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kB) activation underscores its potential as a valuable tool in combating inflammation at the cellular level. By impeding NF-kB signaling, NR may help alleviate inflammatory responses triggered by various stressors, contributing to overall wellness and disease prevention.

Anti-aging properties

Nicotinamide riboside (NR) shows promise in combatting the aging process by potentially increasing endurance and cold tolerance. Research has suggested that NR may confer protective effects against various pathological conditions, potentially contributing to overall health and wellness.

Moreover, it has been found to boost intracellular NAD+ concentrations, linked to potential health benefits related to aging and metabolic function.

Additionally, nicotinamide riboside holds potential for improving brain health with its support for cellular energy production and healthy metabolic function. These properties make NR a compelling area of research for understanding its role in promoting longevity and resilience during the aging process.

Neuroprotective effects

Nicotinamide riboside (NR) displays neuroprotective effects by boosting NAD+ levels, which support brain health and may have implications for treating neurological conditions. Research has shown that NR can enhance cognitive function and resilience during aging, potentially reducing the risk of age-related cognitive decline.

This form of vitamin B3 also demonstrates the ability to mitigate oxidative stress in neuronal cells, offering protection against neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

Moreover, NR has been linked to improved mitochondrial function in the brain, indicating its potential for enhancing energy production and overall neural health.

The neuroprotective properties of nicotinamide riboside extend to supporting DNA repair mechanisms within neurons, which could contribute to maintaining healthy brain function and reducing the risk of cognitive impairment.

Potential for treating COVID-19

Nicotinamide riboside (NR) presents potential for treating COVID-19 due to its ability to boost intracellular NAD+ concentrations, which play a crucial role in regulating immune responses.

Research has shown that NAD+ precursors such as NR may support the body's defense against viral infections by enhancing immune cell function and promoting antiviral pathways. Additionally, NR's anti-inflammatory effects can potentially help mitigate the cytokine storm associated with severe COVID-19 cases, offering promise in managing the hyperactive immune response often seen in these patients.

Moreover, nicotinamide riboside's impact on cellular energy production and DNA repair mechanisms could contribute to improved resilience against viral replication and aid in overall recovery from COVID-19.

Bioavailability and Safety of NR

Comparing bioavailability to other NAD+ precursors and discussing the potential safety of NR derivatives and supplementation. To learn more about the emerging health benefits of Nicotinamide Riboside (NR), keep reading!

Comparison to other NAD+ precursors

Nicotinamide riboside (NR) stands distinct among NAD+ precursors for its unique properties and health benefits. Here is a comparison in an HTML table format:

NAD+ PrecursorBioavailabilityHealth BenefitsSafety Profile
Nicotinamide riboside (NR)HighSupports cellular energy, brain function, and metabolic healthGenerally considered safe with few side effects reported
Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN)ModerateImproves age-associated physiological declineLong-term safety in humans still under investigation
Niacin (NA)VariableReduces cholesterol, but can cause flushingCan cause liver toxicity and glucose intolerance at high doses
Nicotinamide (NAM)HighMaintains NAD+ levels but can inhibit sirtuin activitySafe at recommended dosages; high doses can result in nausea and liver issues
TryptophanLowPrevents pellagra; precursor to serotonin and melatoninSafe in dietary quantities; excessive intake can lead to serotonin syndrome

NR exhibits potent effects on NAD+ metabolism, mitochondrial function, and stem cell support. Meanwhile, NMN shows promise but requires further human studies to fully understand its long-term effects. Niacin provides cholesterol-lowering benefits but may cause unpleasant flushing. Nicotinamide ensures NAD+ maintenance, yet at the cost of possible sirtuin inhibition. Tryptophan is a less efficient NAD+ precursor but carries other important roles in neurotransmitter synthesis. Each precursor has its own profile of efficacy and safety, making NR a significant and promising option in the sphere of NAD+ precursor supplementation.

NR derivatives and supplementation

NR derivatives and supplements show potential for enhancing cellular energy production, DNA repair, and metabolic function. Research has indicated that NR derivatives hold promise as potent modifiers of NAD+ metabolism, with implications for muscle mitochondrial biogenesis and gut microbiota health.

Studies have suggested that NR supplementation may support stem cell function, detoxification processes, and healthy aging by influencing DNA methylation.

NAD+ precursors such as resveratrol can be compared to NR derivatives in terms of bioavailability and safety. These comparisons offer insights into the possible advantages of using NR over other NAD+ precursors for achieving improved cognitive function and resilience during the aging process.


There are promising future research possibilities for nicotinamide riboside (NR) and its potential impact on health and diseases, so keep reading to stay updated on this emerging topic in the field of health and wellness.

Future research possibilities

Future research possibilities for nicotinamide riboside (NR) include investigating its potential in mitigating the progression of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

Moreover, exploring NR’s impact on cellular energy production and resilience could uncover its potential in addressing metabolic disorders like diabetes and obesity. Additionally, delving into the role of NR in enhancing immune function and combating inflammatory conditions such as arthritis can provide valuable insights for future healthcare innovations.

Furthermore, examining the synergistic effects of combining NR with other compounds or interventions to amplify its health benefits presents an exciting avenue for future research.

Investigating the long-term safety profile of sustained NR supplementation across diverse populations will be critical in understanding its broader applicability and effectiveness.

Widespread availability and potential impact on health and diseases

Nicotinamide riboside (NR) has gained widespread availability as a dietary supplement, making it easily accessible for individuals seeking its potential health benefits. As a form of vitamin B3, NR holds promise in improving cellular energy production, brain function, and metabolic health.

Research has shown that NR may confer protective effects against various diseases and pathological conditions due to its ability to boost intracellular NAD+ concentrations.

NR's potential impact on health and diseases is significant, with studies indicating its positive effects on aging, brain health, and metabolic function. Moreover, the compound has demonstrated the potential to support endurance and cold tolerance, showcasing its broad-reaching implications for overall wellness.


1. What is Nicotinamide Riboside (NR)?

Nicotinamide Riboside, or NR, is a form of vitamin B3 that helps your body make more NAD+, which is important for good health.

2. Why do I need more NAD+ in my body?

NAD+ plays a key role in many processes within your cells and can support healthy aging and energy levels.

3. Can taking NR affect my energy?

Yes, since NR boosts NAD+ levels it may help to increase your overall energy.

4. Is Nicotinamide Riboside the same as niacin or niacinamide?

No, while they are all forms of vitamin B3, NR turns into NAD+ better than niacin or niacinamide does.

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