
The Complete Bryan Johnson Diet Guide for Anti-Aging and Supplements

27 Mar 2024·8 min read
The Complete Bryan Johnson Diet Guide for Anti-Aging and Supplements

Aging is a challenge we all face, and finding the right diet to slow it down can be tough. Bryan Johnson isn't just any entrepreneur; he's taking anti-aging to the next level with his precise diet and supplements.

This guide unpacks his routine so you can learn how to revitalize your body for longevity. Discover the secrets of youthfulness with us!

Key Takeaways

  • Bryan Johnson eats 1,977 vegan calories daily to help turn back his biological clock to age 18. His meals are a blend of solid and soft foods, costing about $2 million per year.
  • His anti-aging diet includes a "Green Giant" wake-up drink, "Super Veggie" meal, and "Nutty Pudding," with the addition of dark chocolate, avocado, and olive oil for health benefits.
  • Johnson takes 111 supplements that support skin health and sleep for longevity. These include Omega-3s, Vitamin D3, and probiotics among others.
  • The plan is strict: He finishes eating by 11 a.m. every day to control timing for anti-aging effects.
  • Critics say Bryan's diet might not be suitable for everyone because it is expensive, restrictive and might lack other wellness aspects like mental health.

Bryan Johnson's Anti-Aging Diet

Bryan Johnson's anti-aging diet focuses on nutrient-dense, plant-based meals such as the "Green Giant" wake-up drink, "Super Veggie" meal, and "Nutty Pudding." The diet also includes indulgences like dark chocolate, avocado, and olive oil for added health benefits.

Overview of diet and approach

Bryan Johnson's anti-aging diet is strict and well-planned. He eats 1,977 vegan calories each day to nourish his body and fuel an hour of high-intensity exercise three times a week.

His meals are a mix of solid and soft foods, designed for maximum nutrition. They cost about $2 million per year.

He finishes eating his last meal by 11 a.m., focusing on timing for anti-aging effects. The goal is to turn back his biological clock to age 18 through optimal nutrition and routine.

His Blueprint diet stack shows the nutritional details others can follow if they want to try his approach. This plant-based diet blends balance, moderate calorie intake, and predictability into every bite he takes.

Wake Up Drink: "Green Giant"

Bryan Johnson's morning routine kicks off with the invigorating "Green Giant" drink. This nutrient-packed concoction includes a blend of organic spinach, kale, celery, and cucumber juice infused with wheatgrass powder and a dash of lemon.

Supplements like Vitamin K2 and D3 are added to enhance bone health and bolster overall wellness. The precise combination is specifically tailored to kickstart Johnson's day while providing an essential boost of nutrients that align with his anti-aging regimen.

The "Green Giant" drink forms an integral part of Bryan Johnson's meticulous daily diet plan for anti-aging, serving as a vital source of nourishment that harmonizes with his goal to reverse the aging process.

Meals: "Super Veggie," "Nutty Pudding," and variations for third meal

Bryan Johnson's daily meals are meticulously designed to support his anti-aging goals and are an essential component of his dietary regimen. The meals consist of the following:

  1. "Super Veggie" - a nutrient-dense and plant-based dish packed with a variety of colorful vegetables, providing essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants crucial for anti-aging.
  2. "Nutty Pudding" - a satisfying and innovative dessert option rich in healthy fats from nuts and seeds, offering a delectable yet nourishing treat for maintaining energy levels and promoting overall well-being.
  3. Variations for the third meal - This may include diverse options such as whole grain salads, smoothie bowls featuring superfoods, or homemade soups brimming with wholesome ingredients to ensure balanced nutrition throughout the day.

Additions of dark chocolate, avocado, and olive oil

Dark chocolate, avocado, and olive oil are essential components of Bryan Johnson's anti-aging diet. Dark chocolate provides antioxidants that support heart health and cognitive function.

Avocado offers healthy monounsaturated fats, aiding in the absorption of fat-soluble nutrients while promoting skin elasticity. Additionally, olive oil delivers anti-inflammatory properties and contributes to overall heart health, aligning with Johnson's focus on nourishing the body for longevity.

These additions fortify the nutrient density of his meals and complement his extensive supplement regimen aimed at reversing aging effects.

Benefits of Bryan Johnson's Diet

The diet offers balance and nutrient-density, is vegan by choice, promotes moderate calorie intake, and provides predictability in meal planning. Read on to discover the benefits of Bryan Johnson's anti-aging diet for a rejuvenated lifestyle.

Balance and nutrient-density

Bryan Johnson's anti-aging diet emphasizes balance and nutrient-density, providing a blend of solid and soft foods to nourish the body. With a focus on 1,977 vegan calories daily, the diet ensures a moderate caloric intake while delivering essential nutrients for overall well-being.

The inclusion of specific food types like dark chocolate, avocado, and olive oil adds to the nutrient richness of his meals. This dietary approach aligns with Johnson's goal of reversing his age through a meticulously planned regimen that prioritizes both balance and dense nutrition.

The Bryan Johnson diet promotes balance through its carefully curated meal plan, offering high nutrient density in every calorie consumed. It utilizes specific meal times and types of food to ensure predictability while maintaining optimal nutritional value throughout the day.

Vegan by choice

Bryan Johnson's anti-aging diet is vegan by choice, consisting of 1,977 calories a day. It involves carefully selected plant-based meals and specific supplements to support his goal of reversing his age.

The diet also includes a balance of nutrient-dense foods such as the "Green Giant" wake-up drink and variations like the "Super Veggie" meal, emphasizing the importance of plant-based nutrition in achieving longevity.

Johnson's choices center around moderation in calorie intake and maintaining predictability in meal plans with expertly crafted vegan options. This dietary approach aligns with Bryan Johnson's broader commitment to health, ensuring that each component contributes to his goal of rejuvenation through nutrition and lifestyle modifications.

Moderate calorie intake

Bryan Johnson's anti-aging diet advocates a moderate calorie intake, demonstrating a ~24% caloric restriction. His daily food consumption totals about 1,977 vegan calories, deliberately structured as part of his aging reversal plan.

This deliberate approach reflects Johnson’s commitment to nourishing the body while working towards his goal.

The strict adherence to the moderate calorie intake aligns with Johnson’s efforts to reverse his age and is evident in his detailed dietary habits. The focus on nutrient-dense meals and balance further emphasizes the significance of this approach within Bryan Johnson's anti-aging regimen.


Bryan Johnson's anti-aging diet is characterized by a remarkable degree of predictability. His daily routine, including specific meal times and types of food, provides a consistent structure to support his goal of reversing his age.

With the last meal scheduled at 11 a.m., adhering strictly to this regimen plays a crucial part in the success of Johnson's anti-aging techniques. Additionally, the Blueprint diet stack nutritional information offers transparency for those interested in adopting his dietary habits, further reinforcing the predictability and structure that underpin this unique approach to aging reversal.

Supplements for Anti-Aging

Johnson incorporates 111 supplements into his anti-aging regimen, emphasizing the importance of skin and sleep in longevity. This section will explore the specific supplements used and their role in aging reversal.

Johnson's use of 111 supplements

Bryan Johnson utilizes 111 supplements in his anti-aging regimen, each serving a specific purpose in his quest for rejuvenation. Here's a detailed breakdown of the various supplements incorporated into his daily routine:

  1. Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Essential for heart health and brain function.
  2. Coenzyme Q10: Helps produce energy for cell growth and maintenance.
  3. Resveratrol: Known for its potential anti-aging properties and ability to combat inflammation.
  4. Vitamin D3: Crucial for bone health and immune function.
  5. Curcumin: A powerful anti-inflammatory compound found in turmeric.
  6. Probiotics: Supports gut health and aids digestion.
  7. Magnesium: Critical for muscle function, nerve transmission, and energy production.
  8. Zinc: Important for immune system function and wound healing.
  9. B-complex vitamins: Vital for energy production, nervous system support, and metabolism.

Importance of skin and sleep in longevity

Healthy skin and quality sleep are pivotal for longevity and overall well-being. The skin, being the body's largest organ, plays a crucial role in protection against environmental factors and regulating body temperature.

Adequate sleep is essential for the body to repair itself and maintain optimal cognitive function. Bryan Johnson recognizes these vital aspects by emphasizing skincare routines and prioritizing sleep as integral components of his anti-aging regimen.

Without proper care for the skin and sufficient rest, even the most meticulous diet and supplement plan would be incomplete.

Considerations and Criticisms

Critics argue that Bryan Johnson's anti-aging diet is expensive and restrictive, making it difficult to sustain long-term. Expert opinions on the healthfulness of the diet vary, with some expressing concerns about its extreme nature.

Expensive and restrictive

Johnson’s anti-aging diet is both expensive and restrictive, costing approximately $2 million a year and involving a ~24% caloric restriction. Additionally, the regimen includes 1,977 vegan calories daily with specific meal times.

The high cost and tight dietary control make this approach challenging for many individuals seeking an anti-aging diet plan that is more accessible and flexible.

While Johnson's meticulous dietary plan has its benefits, it may not be sustainable due to its high expenses and strict limitations. Despite the potential anti-aging benefits of his regimen, its financial burden and inflexible nature could deter others from adopting similar lifestyle changes associated with Bryan Johnson's diet for aging reversal.


The sustainability of Bryan Johnson's anti-aging diet is questionable due to its high cost and strict dietary restrictions. With a total food cost of $2 million a year, the affordability and long-term feasibility for most individuals are limited.

Additionally, adhering to the precise meal times and specific types of food may prove challenging for many people seeking an anti-aging regimen that is more sustainable in terms of practicality and financial accessibility.

By focusing on his goal to reverse his age to 18 through an intensive dietary plan, Johnson’s approach towards anti-aging might not be suitable or sustainable for a wider audience aiming for long-term health improvements.

Expert opinions on the diet's healthfulness

Experts have expressed concerns about the Bryan Johnson diet's healthfulness, citing potential risks from extreme caloric restriction and reliance on a large number of supplements.

The high cost of following this regimen has also been criticized as unsustainable for most individuals, raising questions about the feasibility of maintaining this diet in the long term.

Additionally, some experts caution that such an intense focus on anti-aging may overlook other essential aspects of overall well-being, including social connections and mental health.


In conclusion, Bryan Johnson's anti-aging diet and supplement regimen present a meticulous yet practical approach for promoting longevity. The strategies outlined offer a balanced and nutrient-dense dietary plan that emphasizes the importance of timing and specific food choices.

Can you see how incorporating these simple but effective methods could lead to significant improvements in your health and well-being? This comprehensive guide provides valuable insights into reversing age through diet and supplements, making it an essential resource for those seeking rejuvenation.

It's time to take charge of your health by exploring the innovative approaches presented here. Unlock the potential for a healthier tomorrow with Bryan Johnson's cutting-edge anti-aging strategies!


1. What is the Bryan Johnson diet guide for anti-aging?

The Bryan Johnson diet guide for anti-aging includes a plant-based diet, supplements, and meal timing strategies designed to slow aging and promote rejuvenation.

2. Can this anti-aging diet help reverse aging?

Yes, the daily meal plan in this aging reversal diet focuses on nutrition that may help in turning back the clock on your body's age.

3. Do I need to take daily supplements on this diet?

Daily supplements are recommended as part of The Complete Bryan Johnson Diet Guide to ensure you get all the nutrients needed for anti-aging benefits.

4. Will I have to prepare all my meals if I follow this rejuvenation diet?

Not necessarily! You can opt into a meal delivery program that provides ready-to-eat foods aligned with The Complete Bryan Johnson Diet's guidelines.

5. Is there a specific daily routine suggested in this guide?

Yes, following a disciplined daily routine including fitness activities is an important part of the rejuvenation process outlined in the guide.

Reduce your speed of aging, one scoop at a time with Green Zero

Green Zero is a daily core supplement for longevity inspired by the most complete longevity protocol. Bryan Johnson has spent millions of dollars to maximize his longevity. He made this shake to positively influence biological markers, from energy levels to metabolism to cellular regeneration.
