
Embracing the Vegan Lifestyle: Bryan Johnson, Green Giant in Portugal

17 May 2024·9 min read
Embracing the Vegan Lifestyle: Bryan Johnson, Green Giant in Portugal

Are you curious about how a vegan diet can transform your health? Enter Bryan Johnson, who spends $2 million yearly to turn back the clock and live like he's 18 again. Our article dives into Johnson's strict vegan regimen, revealing tasty recipes and life-changing benefits that could inspire your own journey toward healthier living.

Get ready to go green with Bryan in Portugal!

Key Takeaways

  • Bryan Johnson spends $2 million a year to follow a strict vegan diet as part of his plan to feel like he's 18 again. His diet includes three meals that total 1,977 calories per day.
  • Johnson's daily regimen features plant - based meals and supplements like the "Green Giant" smoothie packed with ingredients like black lentils, superfoods, collagen peptides, and organic honey for health benefits.
  • He tracks his calorie intake meticulously and uses specific supplements such as Omega-3 from algae and vitamins B12, D, iron calcium, and zinc to complement his plant-based nutrition.
  • His commitment to veganism is not only for health but also for ethical reasons and environmental conservation. By avoiding animal products, Bryan helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions and supports sustainable agriculture practices.
  • The choices in Bryan Johnson’s vegan lifestyle encourage others to consider how transitioning to plant-based diets can positively impact personal well-being while working towards a more sustainable future.

Bryan Johnson's Journey to Veganism

Bryan Johnson turned $2 million a year into a desire to "be 18 again", which led him to adhere to a strict vegan diet and add collagen peptides in the Green Giant.

Turning $2 million a year to 'be 18 again'

To feel like he's 18 again, Bryan Johnson spends $2 million each year on his diet and lifestyle. He strictly follows a vegan meal plan that costs him $44.91 daily. This isn't just about healthy eating; it's an intense regimen aimed at reversing his biological age.

His unique approach has piqued the curiosity of many, leading to discussions on its health benefits.

His anti-aging journey includes three carefully planned meals that add up to only 1,977 calories per day—24% less than what is typical for a man his age. Skeptics question whether this costly and rigorous program can genuinely turn back time for Johnson or anyone else who tries it.

Despite doubts, others have adopted parts of his diet to see if they too can experience positive health changes.

Adhering to a strict vegan diet

Bryan Johnson strictly adheres to a vegan diet, costing him $44.91 daily, with three meals providing 1,977 calories and a 24% caloric restriction. He begins his day with the powerful 'Green Giant' smoothie and follows an anti-aging diet guide detailing his meals and supplements.

Despite skepticism about its effectiveness, others have tried Johnson's extreme 'Age Reversing' diet to assess its health impact.

Following a strict vegan diet, Bryan Johnson allocates $2 million yearly for his dietary choices, prompting interest in his lifestyle among many due to both the cost and potential health benefits linked to it.

Adding collagen peptides in the Green Giant

Collagen peptides are included in Bryan Johnson's morning smoothie, the Green Giant, to enhance its nutritional value. The addition of collagen peptides is intended to support skin health and promote anti-aging benefits as part of Johnson's strict vegan diet.

This ingredient contributes to the overall nutrient density of his plant-based breakfast option, adding a boost of protein beneficial for muscle repair and growth. The presence of collagen peptides aligns with the holistic approach Johnson takes towards maintaining his health while adhering to a plant-based lifestyle, making his daily routine an example for those interested in similar dietary choices and supplements.

Bryan Johnson's Vegan Diet & Recipes Guide

Bryan Johnson follows a strict vegan diet with a breakdown of his daily calorie intake and recipes for his Wake Up Drink, First Meal, Second Meal, and options for his Third Meal. He also incorporates supplements into his plant-based lifestyle to ensure he meets all of his nutritional needs.

Daily calorie intake breakdown

Bryan Johnson meticulously tracks his calorie intake to optimize his health and anti-aging goals. His vegan diet provides him with precisely 1,977 calories per day through three well-planned meals. Here's how those calories are distributed:

MealCaloriesPercentage of Daily Intake
Wake Up Drink: Green Giant28014%
First Meal: Super Veggie67034%
Second Meal: Nutty Pudding53027%
Third Meal Options49725%

Each meal contributes to a total that reflects a 24% caloric restriction, supporting his commitment to a vegan lifestyle. This disciplined approach to eating reinforces the possibility of improved health and vitality while adhering to ethical and environmental principles.

Wake Up Drink: Green Giant

Bryan Johnson's wake-up drink, Green Giant, jump-starts his day with a nutritional powerhouse. This smoothie is packed with ingredients to energize and nourish the body, setting the tone for a healthy day ahead. Here's a breakdown of Bryan Johnson's Green Giant smoothie:

  1. The base of the smoothie consists of black lentils, providing an excellent source of protein and fiber crucial for sustained energy throughout the morning.
  2. To enhance the flavor and nutrient content, Bryan adds a variety of superfoods such as spirulina and chlorella, which are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
  3. Nutritional supplements like collagen peptides are incorporated into the Green Giant smoothie to support joint health and promote skin elasticity, aligning with Johnson's focus on anti-aging benefits.
  4. A touch of organic honey provides natural sweetness while also offering antimicrobial properties that may benefit overall health.
  5. The addition of flaxseed oil delivers essential omega-3 fatty acids for brain function and heart health, contributing to a well-rounded blend of nutrients.
  6. Bryan completes this invigorating blend with a handful of spinach leaves for an extra boost of iron and vitamin C, supporting immune function and overall vitality.
  7. Combining these meticulously selected ingredients creates a satisfying and nutritionally dense wake-up drink that complements Bryan Johnson's vegan lifestyle while maximizing his daily health-conscious living regimen.

First Meal: Super Veggie

Bryan Johnson's first meal, Super Veggie, is a powerhouse of nutrition. It provides him with essential nutrients and energy to kick-start his day.

  • Super Veggie is a nutrient - dense blend of kale, spinach, carrots, and broccoli.
  • The meal also includes protein - rich tofu, quinoa, and a variety of nuts and seeds for added texture and flavor.
  • This filling dish is seasoned with a flavorful mix of garlic, herbs, and spices to enhance its taste.
  • Bryan Johnson tops off this meal with a drizzle of olive oil for healthy fats and additional richness.
  • The Super Veggie meal provides a perfect balance of macronutrients - carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats - to sustain Bryan throughout the day.

Second Meal: Nutty Pudding

Bryan Johnson's Nutty Pudding is a satisfying vegan meal filled with essential nutrients. This delicious recipe can be enjoyed as part of a balanced plant-based diet.

  1. Nutty Pudding is a protein-packed dish containing plant-based protein sources such as almonds, cashews, or chia seeds.
  2. The recipe provides vital macronutrients, including healthy fats and fiber from nuts and seeds, promoting overall health and wellness.
  3. This filling meal offers a nutritious and delicious alternative for individuals seeking innovative vegan recipes to support their dietary needs.
  4. The Nutty Pudding recipe aligns with Bryan Johnson's commitment to health - conscious living while contributing to sustainable living practices.
  5. It exemplifies the diverse range of vegan products and plant - based nutrition choices available for those embracing an ethical and environmentally friendly lifestyle.

Third Meal options

Bryan Johnson's third meal options include a variety of nutritious and satisfying choices. These options complement his strict vegan diet and provide essential nutrients for maintaining health and vitality.

  1. He often incorporates a hearty salad with fresh greens, colorful vegetables, and protein-rich legumes to ensure a well-balanced meal.
  2. Occasionally, Bryan enjoys a flavorful plant-based stir-fry made with an assortment of vibrant vegetables and tofu, enhancing his daily intake of plant-based nutrition.
  3. Another favorite in his third meal options is a nourishing grain bowl featuring quinoa or brown rice, paired with roasted vegetables and savory plant-based protein sources for sustained energy levels.
  4. For added variety, he may opt for a comforting bowl of vegetable soup packed with vitamins and minerals, providing warmth and wholesomeness to his vegan lifestyle.
  5. To satisfy his sweet tooth while maintaining a health-conscious living approach, Bryan prepares fruit-based desserts such as berry parfaits or mango sorbet, indulging in naturally sweet treats.


Johnson's vegan lifestyle involves the use of specific supplements to complement his strict diet. These supplements play a crucial role in supporting his overall health and well-being. Here are the key supplements he incorporates into his daily routine:

  1. Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Derived from algae, these supplements provide essential fatty acids that support heart health, brain function, and reduce inflammation.
  2. Vitamin B12: Vital for nerve function and the production of DNA, this supplement is crucial for those following a vegan diet as it is primarily found in animal products.
  3. Iron: Plant-based sources of iron are less readily absorbed by the body compared to animal-derived sources, so Johnson takes an iron supplement to prevent deficiency and maintain energy levels.
  4. Vitamin D: Since most people get vitamin D from the sun and it's limited in plant-based foods, Johnson takes a supplement to support bone health and immune function.
  5. Calcium: To maintain strong bones and teeth, Johnson incorporates a calcium supplement into his routine to compensate for any potential deficiencies in his plant-based diet.
  6. Zinc: Essential for immune function and wound healing, Johnson takes a zinc supplement to ensure he meets his nutritional needs on a vegan diet.

The Benefits of a Vegan Lifestyle

Experience improved health and vitality, reduce environmental impact, and contribute to building a sustainable future. Discover the many benefits of embracing a vegan lifestyle!

Improved health and vitality

Bryan Johnson's vegan lifestyle has brought about remarkable improvements in his health and vitality. With a daily caloric intake of 1,977 calories, he has experienced increased energy levels and overall well-being.

His carefully curated plant-based diet not only supports healthy aging but also provides essential nutrients for optimal bodily function, setting an example for health-conscious living within the vegan community.

Moreover, his dedication to ethical considerations and environmentalism further highlights the positive impact of embracing a plant-based diet on personal health and the planet.

As Bryan Johnson continues to advocate for a sustainable future through his plant-based nutrition choices, he sets an inspiring example of the numerous benefits that come with embracing a vegan lifestyle.

Environmental impact

Switching to a vegan lifestyle significantly reduces one's carbon footprint. By opting for plant-based meals, Bryan Johnson is contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and water usage associated with animal agriculture.

Embracing a plant-based diet aligns with sustainable living and supports efforts to combat deforestation and habitat destruction linked to livestock farming. Additionally, Bryan Johnson's choice reflects a commitment to environmentally friendly practices, emphasizing the importance of plant-based nutrition in building a more sustainable future.

Ethical considerations

When embracing a vegan lifestyle like Bryan Johnson, ethical considerations play a vital role. By choosing plant-based nutrition over animal products, individuals contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and deforestation caused by the meat industry.

Additionally, adhering to a vegan diet supports animal welfare by reducing demand for factory-farmed products and promoting a more compassionate approach towards living beings. This ethos aligns with sustainable living and creating a positive impact on the environment, ultimately working towards building a more ethical and cruelty-free future.

Switching to a plant-based diet reflects an individual's dedication to ethical choices related to health-conscious living, environmental impact, and vegan activism. Embracing this lifestyle encourages mindful meal planning with nutritious plant-based recipes while actively participating in advancing the movement towards sustainability and compassion for all living creatures.

Building a sustainable future

Bryan Johnson's move to a plant-based diet aligns with building a sustainable future. His choice reduces reliance on animal agriculture, lowering greenhouse gas emissions and land use.

Embracing this lifestyle promotes environmental conservation, boosting the movement toward a greener planet. The adoption of plant-based nutrition not only impacts individual health but also contributes to global sustainability efforts by minimizing the impact on natural resources.

By opting for a vegan lifestyle, Bryan Johnson is advancing an environmentally conscious living that supports a sustainable future. This dietary shift echoes the increasing call for eco-friendly choices and serves as an example for others seeking to reduce their ecological footprint.

Conclusion: Bryan Johnson's Vegan Lifestyle and Impact

Embracing a plant-based diet, Bryan Johnson is advancing the movement towards a sustainable future with his vegan lifestyle. His commitment to health-conscious living and nutritious meals inspires others to consider the benefits of a plant-based diet.

Embracing a plant-based diet

Transitioning to a plant-based diet is beneficial for health and the environment. Bryan Johnson demonstrates that a vegan lifestyle is not only sustainable but also offers nutritious, energizing meals.

The "Green Giant" smoothie and nutrient-packed recipes provide an inspiring guide for anyone considering the shift towards plant-based nutrition. With a focus on whole foods and ethical living, embracing this dietary choice paves the way for improved well-being and supports the advancement of sustainable practices.

Advancing the movement towards a sustainable future

Transitioning to a plant-based diet, like Bryan Johnson's, can significantly reduce environmental impact. Plant-based nutrition options align with health-conscious living and contribute to building a sustainable future.

Embracing a vegan lifestyle promotes ethical considerations and supports improved health and vitality while reducing the carbon footprint through environmentally friendly food choices.

Making small changes towards embracing a plant-based diet can contribute positively to advancing the movement towards a sustainable future.


1. Who is Bryan Johnson and why is he called the Green Giant in Portugal?

Bryan Johnson is a person known for his health-conscious living in Portugal, where he follows a plant-based diet full of green veggies and shares diet recipes.

2. Can I get all my macros on a vegan diet like Bryan?

Absolutely! You can get your necessary macros—like protein, carbs, and fats—from various plant-based foods.

3. Is fasting part of embracing the vegan lifestyle?

Some people include fasting as part of their health routine while eating a plant-based diet, but it's not required to embrace the vegan lifestyle.

4. Why do people choose plant-based nutrition?

Many folks pick a plant-based nutrition path because they care about their health, animals, or the environment—and often for all these reasons!

Reduce your speed of aging, one scoop at a time with Green Zero

Green Zero is a daily core supplement for longevity inspired by the most complete longevity protocol. Bryan Johnson has spent millions of dollars to maximize his longevity. He made this shake to positively influence biological markers, from energy levels to metabolism to cellular regeneration.
