
Discovering the Bryan Johnson Diet Plan: A Revolutionary Approach to Anti-Aging

6 Apr 2024·8 min read
Discovering the Bryan Johnson Diet Plan: A Revolutionary Approach to Anti-Aging

Aging can feel like an unstoppable force, and we're all looking for ways to turn back the clock. Bryan Johnson, a tech CEO, is taking anti-aging to new extremes with his meticulous diet plan.

This article dives into the details of his unique regimen that blends science with strict nutrition habits to combat aging. Keep reading; this might just be the future of staying young!

Key Takeaways

  • Bryan Johnson's diet aims to reduce aging by 25% across all organs by 2030. It includes a blend of steamed vegetables and lentils, takes 111 dietary supplements daily, and costs $2 million per year.
  • He follows a strict regimen with a six-hour eating window and one-hour exercise daily. His plan also involves specialized skin care practices and prioritizing sleep habits for rejuvenation.
  • The diet faces criticism due to its high cost, restrictive nature, the unsustainable approach for most people, and lack of strong scientific evidence supporting its anti-aging claims.
  • Experts have mixed reviews on Johnson's diet. They caution about potential health risks from too many supplements and advise consulting healthcare professionals before trying such extreme routines.
  • Despite skepticism around the practicality of his method, Johnson's dedication has brought attention to new possibilities within anti-aging research.

Bryan Johnson's Diet Plan

Bryan Johnson's diet plan is a comprehensive approach to anti-aging, incorporating a wake-up drink, nutrient-dense meals, supplements, and skin care. The diet also emphasizes the importance of sleep habits for overall health and vitality.

Overview of the diet

The Bryan Johnson diet is a strict anti-aging plan. This biohacker eats steamed vegetables and lentils blended into mush, aiming to roll back the years. He consumes 2,250 calories each day within a six-hour window.

To complement his meal plan, he also takes 111 nutritional supplements daily. Focused on optimal nutrition, he follows this regimen alongside an hour of exercise. His dedication means spending $2 million yearly on his health and wellness lifestyle, including unconventional methods like LED baths.

Wake up drink

Bryan Johnson starts his day with a nutrient-dense, anti-aging wake-up drink. This concoction includes steamed vegetables and lentils blended together for a power-packed start to the morning routine.

The drink provides essential nutrients and sets the tone for a day focused on biohacking lifestyle and rejuvenation.

Meals (Green Giant, Super Veggie, Nutty Pudding, Third Meal)

Bryan Johnson's meals include nutrient-dense options designed to support his anti-aging goals:

  1. Green Giant: This meal consists of a blended mix of steamed vegetables and lentils, providing essential nutrients for Johnson's diet plan.
  2. Super Veggie: A specially formulated vegetable-based dish rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals to support overall health and vitality.
  3. Nutty Pudding: This dessert features a blend of nuts and seeds, providing healthy fats and protein to fuel Johnson's body.
  4. Third Meal: A carefully planned combination of whole foods to ensure he meets his nutritional needs while maintaining a strict caloric intake within a six-hour eating window.


Johnson consumes 111 supplements daily, including a mix of vitamins, minerals, and other compounds to support his anti-aging goals. These supplements are an integral part of his regimen and are carefully selected to target specific aspects of aging and overall health.

  1. Vitamins: Johnson takes a range of vitamins such as Vitamin A, C, D, E, and K to ensure adequate levels for cellular health and immune function.
  2. Minerals: His supplement intake includes essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, zinc, and selenium to support bone health and metabolic functions.
  3. Antioxidants: Johnson incorporates antioxidants like Coenzyme Q10, alpha-lipoic acid, and resveratrol to combat oxidative stress and protect against age-related damage.
  4. Omega-3 fatty acids: He includes fish oil or algae supplements rich in omega-3s to promote heart health and reduce inflammation.
  5. Probiotics: To support gut health and digestion, Johnson includes probiotic supplements containing beneficial bacteria strains.
  6. Herbal extracts: His regimen also features herbal extracts such as ashwagandha and turmeric for their potential anti-inflammatory and adaptogenic properties.
  7. Hormonal support: Johnson takes hormone-balancing supplements like DHEA and melatonin to optimize hormonal functions associated with aging.

Skin care

Bryan Johnson prioritizes his skin care as part of his anti-aging lifestyle. He follows a meticulous routine that includes using specialized creams, serums, and LED light therapy to maintain youthful and radiant skin.

His regimen is designed to support collagen production, reduce the appearance of wrinkles, and improve overall skin health. By incorporating these specific skin care practices into his daily routine, Bryan Johnson aims to preserve a youthful complexion in line with his broader goal of reversing the aging process through comprehensive lifestyle choices.

Sleep habits

Johnson prioritizes his sleep, aiming for a consistent seven to eight hours each night. He follows a strict bedtime routine, ensuring he goes to bed and wakes up at the same time every day.

Johnson believes quality sleep is crucial in supporting his anti-aging efforts and overall well-being. To optimize his sleep, he minimizes screen time before bed and creates a dark, cool environment for rest using blackout curtains and white noise.

Consistently getting adequate sleep aligns with Johnson's commitment to reversing aging through lifestyle changes. The science-based approach emphasizes the importance of restful and sufficient sleep in promoting overall health and vitality while working towards age-reversing goals.

Benefits of the Bryan Johnson Diet

Experience the remarkable results of the Bryan Johnson Diet, including its anti-aging effects, improved health and vitality, as well as maintaining weight and fitness levels.


Bryan Johnson's anti-aging routine claims to achieve a 25% reduction in aging across all 78 organs by the year 2030. He spends $2 million annually while consuming a blend of steamed vegetables and lentils, along with over 100 supplements daily.

The protocol has raised interest due to its unconventional approach and ambitious goal.

The effectiveness and practicality of Johnson's extreme routine have sparked curiosity and discussions around reversing aging through biostatistics. His dedication to anti-aging techniques has led to increased interest in his daily routine and the supplements he takes, marking an innovative shift in the field of age-reversing diets.

Anti-aging effects

Johnson's diet plan touts remarkable anti-aging effects. His goal of reducing aging by 25% across all 78 organs by 2030 has garnered attention for its ambitious yet revolutionary approach.

Emphasizing nutrient-dense meals, supplements, and a strict eating window, his regimen aims to not only reverse aging but also promote improved health and vitality. Johnson's dedication to proving the effectiveness of his anti-aging approach through biostatistics has sparked discussions about the practicality and impact of such an extreme routine.

The CEO's commitment to lifestyle changes has piqued widespread interest in his daily routine as he invests $2 million annually into this age-reversing protocol. The unconventional nature of Johnson's methods combined with the potential benefits makes his diet plan a focal point in the quest for age reversal and rejuvenation.

Improved health and vitality

Bryan Johnson's diet plan promises improved health and vitality through nutrient-dense meals, supplements, and a strict daily routine. His focus on consuming nutrient-rich blended mush and an extensive list of 111 supplements aims to optimize bodily functions for enhanced health.

Additionally, his one-hour exercise regimen further supports physical well-being. With a goal to reduce aging by 25% across all organs by 2030, the emphasis on rejuvenating the body from within underscores the transformative potential of his approach.

The rigorous anti-aging protocol Bryan follows seeks not only to reverse aging but also to enhance overall vitality and resilience. By investing $2 million annually in his lifestyle — including LED baths and biostatistics research — he emphasizes the importance of maintaining optimal health as part of his age-reversing journey, sparking discussions about practicality while captivating curiosity around its innovative impact on well-being.

Maintaining weight and fitness

Bryan Johnson's strict diet and exercise routine help him in maintaining weight and fitness. He consumes 2,250 calories per day within a 6-hour period and engages in a one-hour exercise regimen, adhering to an intense lifestyle protocol focused on anti-aging effects.

His nutrient-dense meals, combined with a dedicated workout routine, contribute to his ability to maintain a healthy weight level and overall fitness.

His lifestyle may seem unconventional due to the extreme measures he takes to slow down aging; however, it is evident that his disciplined approach has allowed him to achieve impressive results in terms of weight management and physical fitness.

Criticisms of the Diet

The Bryan Johnson Diet Plan has faced criticisms for its cost, restrictive nature, and lack of scientific evidence backing its anti-aging claims. However, these criticisms have not deterred some from trying out this revolutionary approach to anti-aging.


Bryan Johnson's anti-aging lifestyle comes at a steep price of $2 million annually. This includes spending on 100 pills every day and LED baths. The extravagant cost of his regimen has raised eyebrows, making it an impractical choice for many seeking age-reversing solutions.

Restrictive and unsustainable nature

Johnson's anti-aging routine proves to be financially burdensome, costing an exorbitant $2 million annually. His daily consumption of 100 pills and the requirement for LED baths reflect a highly unsustainable approach.

Such extreme measures, including consuming a blended mush of steamed vegetables and lentils in a six-hour period, may not be feasible or sustainable for the general population in their everyday lives.

This raises concerns about the accessibility and practicality of his diet plan, particularly considering its restrictive nature and high financial demand.

The stringent dietary restrictions and substantial monetary investment involved make Johnson's anti-aging regimen impractical for many individuals seeking to improve their health and vitality.

Lack of evidence and scientific backing

Despite the unconventional approach to anti-aging, Bryan Johnson's diet plan lacks substantial scientific evidence to support its claims. The extreme nature of his regimen, including the excessive number of supplements and LED baths, raises concerns among experts about its effectiveness in reversing aging as well as its long-term safety.

While Johnson aims to prove the efficacy of his approach through biostatistics, nutrition experts emphasize the need for rigorous scientific studies and peer-reviewed research to validate such bold claims before considering it a viable anti-aging solution.

Although Johnson's dedication has sparked curiosity and discussions around his extreme routine, many remain skeptical due to the lack of empirical evidence supporting the profound effects he touts.

Expert Opinions on the Diet

Nutrition experts have varying opinions on the Bryan Johnson Diet, with some highlighting the nutrient-dense meals and meal timing, while others express concerns about the restrictive and unsustainable nature of the diet.

Before trying it, consider consulting a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

Opinions from nutrition experts

Nutrition experts have expressed concerns about the extreme nature of Bryan Johnson's diet plan. They question the sustainability and safety of consuming 111 supplements daily. Some experts warn that such a high number of supplements could lead to adverse health effects in the long run, considering that too much of certain nutrients can be harmful.

Considerations before trying the diet

Before attempting the Bryan Johnson diet plan, it's crucial to consider the extreme nature of the regimen and its significant financial investment. The daily intake of 111 supplements and the cost of $2 million a year may not be feasible for everyone.

Additionally, the strict eating schedule and exercise routine should be carefully evaluated to ensure they align with individual lifestyles and schedules. Understanding that scientific evidence supporting the effectiveness of this anti-aging approach is still limited is also essential.

Potential followers must assess their willingness to commit to such a rigorous lifestyle before embarking on this age-reversing journey.

It's important to note that Bryan Johnson's anti-aging protocol has sparked curiosity worldwide; however, individuals contemplating trying his diet plan should carefully weigh its restrictions against potential benefits.


Bryan Johnson's dedication to an extreme anti-aging lifestyle, including a strict diet, exercise regimen, and an extensive supplement intake has sparked curiosity and discussions around the effectiveness and practicality of his routine.

Despite the attention it has garnered for its unconventional nature and ambitious goals like reversing aging by 25% across all organs by 2030, critics have raised concerns about the sustainability and cost of his approach.

While some experts acknowledge potential benefits, they advise considering scientific evidence before adopting such a drastic routine. Johnson's anti-aging protocol remains intriguing but also polarizing due to its extreme measures aimed at slowing down aging.


1. What is the Bryan Johnson Diet Plan?

The Bryan Johnson Diet Plan is a science-based approach to eating that focuses on nutrient-dense meals to help reverse aging and promote rejuvenation.

2. How does this anti-aging diet plan work?

This anti-aging diet plan includes daily meal plans full of foods that are chosen for their age-reversing properties, helping your body stay young and healthy.

3. Can everyone use the Bryan Johnson Diet Plan for anti-aging?

Yes, anyone interested in using diet to fight aging can try the Bryan Johnson's rejuvenation diet. It's designed to be a revolutionary approach suitable for many people.

4. Are the meals in this agereversing diet hard to make?

No, the meals in this age-reversing diet are created so you can enjoy easy-to-make, delicious food while getting all the nutrients you need for anti-aging benefits.

Reduce your speed of aging, one scoop at a time with Green Zero

Green Zero is a daily core supplement for longevity inspired by the most complete longevity protocol. Bryan Johnson has spent millions of dollars to maximize his longevity. He made this shake to positively influence biological markers, from energy levels to metabolism to cellular regeneration.
